Corporate code of ethics

CIMM has gained over the years a leading position in the industry, not only thanks to its extraordinary abilities and competences, but also in consideration of the fundamental principles of fairness, honesty and common sense, which are the core values of the Company’s philosophy and corporate standards. All business relationships which take place between employees, customers, partners, competitors, suppliers and colleagues, must respect the Company’s values.

The Ethics Code is a fundamental element of the internal rules and procedures adopted by CIMM. This document expresses the commitments and ethical responsibilities in respect to business and corporate conduct. The company believes that honesty and loyalty are essential in order to build fair and long lasting business relationships. All aspects of our work must be based on the highest ethical standards.

Managers and employees at CIMM, are required, within their respective competences, to learn and observe the laws and regulations enforced in all countries in which CIMM has and continues to do business with. This includes awareness and respect of the general national and international rules regarding fair competition in the business world.

CIMM is also committed to protect the value of fair competition by abstaining itself from collusive behaviors and abuses, and believes that collaboration is the vital activity that, through sharing ideas, will contribute to improve the company’s quality standards.

CIMM code of ethics in design and manufacture of expansion vessels

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